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    They have deported me. This is strange... foreigners deporting another foreigner - OSHO

         The first thing to be noted about the United States of America is that the land does not belong to the so-called Americans; the land belongs to the natives, the Red Indians. And America is, in fact, one of the most strange places to talk about freedom and democracy. If they really mean what theysay, then all Americans are foreigners except the Red Indians – simple hearted, innocent people who have been forced to live in forests, in special reservations. The whole land is theirs, but they don’t rule it. Those who rule it are from either Britain or France or Italy or Switzerland or Sweden or Belgium or Greece; they all come from European countries. If they are really sincere, they should pack their luggage and go back home.

          It is a strange kind of democracy in which the people of the land, the real owners of the land have no participation at all. And the foreigners, the invaders who have killed mercilessly the innocent people of America, are proudly proclaiming freedom, democracy, basic human rights, freedom of expression and all kinds of nonsense. Especially Americans should not use these words at all. It is the greatest slavery that is still in existence. And there seems to be no possibility that Red Indians will ever again be rulers, owners of their own land, because they are poor, they don’t have modern war technology.

          What irritated the Americans most was when I said to them, ”You are just as much foreigners as Iam here. The only difference is that I am new, you are old tourists. I have come with a valid visa, and you entered America with your guns, not with your visas. In what way have you become citizens of America? Who accepted you? At the point of the gun you just destroyed the poor people, peaceful
    people, and proclaimed yourselves Americans – and you call the real Americans, Red Indians.” It gives the sense as if America belongs to the Americans, it creates an illusion.
    The Americans are all invaders, and if they have any self-respect and dignity they should leave America and go back home.

          They have deported me. This is strange... foreigners deporting another foreigner. At least I had a valid visa and I was not an invader. They are invaders and entered America with force and violence – and now they have become the proclaimers of freedom and democracy. The day America will be free, it will be in the hands of Red Indians. It is the greatest land of slavery today.


    Satyam Shivam Sundram
    CHAPTER 14.

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