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    death only separates you from others, it never separates you from yourself - Osho

    death only separates you from others, it never separates you from yourself - Osho

    Death only separates you from others, it never separates you from yourself - Osho

    DEATH : -
    Remember, death only separates you from others, it never separates you from yourself.
          Death seems so frightening because it will snatch you away from others -- the wife will not be any more with the husband, the mother will not be any more with the children.
          Death only separates you from others. It cannot separate you from yourself; there is no way to separate you from yourself.
          Once you have learned how to be with yourself then death is meaningless, then death does not exist. You become deathless.
          Then death cannot take anything away from you. That which death can take away from you, you have surrendered on your own accord.
          That's what meditation is -- to surrender the non-essential, that which death can take away from you.
          That which death is going to do, a meditator does on his own accord, voluntarily. Knowing it well -- that this will be taken away -- he surrenders it.
          It is immensely beautiful to be alone. There is nothing to be compared with it.
          Its beauty is the ultimate beauty, its grandeur is the ultimate grandeur, its power is the ultimate power.
    Come back home.
          And the way is: you will have to suffer loneliness first. Suffer it, go through it.
          You have to pay for the bliss that is going to be yours -- you have to pay for it.
         This suffering of loneliness is just paying for it. You will be tremendously benefited...


    The Discipline of Transcendence..
    Vol 1

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